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Since 1976, NCRP has helped improve the effectiveness, impact and accountability of grantmakers. We’re building on these accomplishments in numerous ways, some of which include:

  • Multi-faceted initiatives designed to educate and challenge the philanthropic sector to meet the needs of underserved communities across the United States;
  • Deepening knowledge through rigorous research and reports;
  • Increasing discussion and debate in the philanthropic sector via regular events, such as conference presentations and webinars;
  • Informing our thousands of social media followers about issues in the sector via Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

Your financial support entitles any staff members from your organization to subscribe to:

  • NCRP’s electronic journal, Responsive Philanthropy. It continues to be a well-regarded vehicle for important and provocative commentary in the sector, and often has articles written by sector leaders;
  • NCRP’s monthly e-newsletter, Roundup, which includes updates on our work, highlights on key issues in philanthropy, and more;
  • NCRP’s monthly e-newsletter, ICYMI (In Case you Missed It), focused on trending articles and sector news;
  • Electronic press releases and announcements;
  • Priority invitations to NCRP events, like our Impact Awards reception, and regular webinars on topics of significance to the sector.

Most importantly, your financial support helps NCRP work to strengthen the philanthropic sector. NCRP’s rigorous research and publications, power to convene high-profile leaders and thinkers in philanthropy, and strong voice for social justice helps educate the sector to best meet its goals and the needs of underserved communities. See all of our current supporters here.

Support Us Today

Individual supporters please click here

Payment options:

  • Online donation
  • E-payment via BILL
  • EFT/Wire transfer: Contact Valerie Mensah at for bank transfer information.
  • Check made payable to NCRP and mailed to 1900 L Street NW, Suite 825, Washington, DC 20036

NCRP’s suggested dues scale for grantmakers is available upon request. For more information on grantmaker supporter benefits, payment options or for a copy of the dues scale, please contact NCRP’s Director of Resource Mobilization, Caroline O’Shea, at or NCRP’s Fundraising Manager, Cynthia Kazaroff, at